Do you know the one and only reason why people fail?

You might have fallen into this trap. Listen carefully...

You only fail when you QUIT.

That’s right, you QUIT.
Life is a long journey. It is a marathon. And those who stay in the race until the end are those who win. That’s how winners are made.

When you fail, you are being tested. You must prove that you deserve success. You must learn new lessons. That is why you fail, because you aren't qualified yet.

The trick here is to stay in the game. Because once you quit, you really fail.

You can't call yourself a failure if you're still trying. It is just a matter of time until you crack the code and figure out your customized path to mega success.

Persistence is the secret weapon of success. You can be very smart and bold, but without persistence you will lose sooner or later.

My favorite quote here...
"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go." -William Feather

That is 100% true!
Those who hang on after others have let go are those who prove that they are committed. They will get what they want because they believe so deeply in it.

Hang on and never quit. If your dream is worthy, then you should stay in the game no matter how many times you failed. I have. The word quit isn’t in my vocabulary.

Persist, persist, and persist. Success is a matter of figuring out your right path and then persisting until you reach your ultimate destination.

Believe in the beauty of your dream. And remember: persistence is the magical key to success and greatness.


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