How many times have you felt like giving up? How many times have you thought it's not worth it? How many experiences have you had that made you think, "Why am I doing this?" It can be a small business venture you're going for. It can be a relationship you decided to jump into.
Maybe you're just exhausted and standing there with your hands in the air ready to throw in the towel.

This can be any one of us with any path we decide to travel on. It's not limited to the CEO. It's not even limited to the overwhelmed single mom. I'm speaking to anyone who has too much on their plate or just feels like their on the brink of utter failure.

Consider this your wake up call.

There are several things that people do to create the failure feeling. It's fairly consistent across the board. There may be some variation, but for the most part these are the 3 main issues.
If you feel overwhelmed and are at the end of your rope in your endeavor or life in general, STOP TRYING.

If you have a personality that never quits until everything is just right - guess what. You'll be going forever. You'll never accomplish perfection. You are human. You are not going to be perfect.
There's a difference in being perfect and being more than the customer asked for in value. If you stop at "more in value" you'll have hit a homerun.

Perfection is not a goal. If you make it your goal, hang up any chance for success. It won't happen. Perfection, no matter how hard you try to attain it, will elude you every time.

This is another curse of those who dream of success. If you try to be someone else, you'll fail without a doubt. If you can't accomplish success being you, you're not going to succeed.
Now don't get "trying to be someone else" confused with modeling others behaviors and actions. There's a difference. If you're modeling the plan that others have had success in, you may not necessarily have the idea of trying to be someone else.

If you are just using a model that has already worked and you're not using the same positioning, you're not claiming the same promises, you're not selling the same product, you're in the clear.
Just be aware of the difference and steer clear of any identity that isn't your own.

If you have a personality that has to get it all done and "it has to be now!" then you are about to hit burn-out - if you haven't already. There's only so long a person can go before giving out.
It may not be profitable for you to do everything anyway. Count the cost of your task. How much does it cost you to complete your next job? Look at your to-do-list. How much is it going to cost you to... wash your car, paint the house or cut the grass?

Couldn't that job be given to someone else? You can use your time more wisely I'm sure. You may use that time to make far more cash than you would ever spend hiring someone to do it for you. However, if you really enjoy painting the house - go ahead.
Happiness is a great asset. It can't be replaced.

Take a look at the previous 3 things. Do you fall into one or more of these categories? Do you know someone who does? If this doesn't seem to be you, be warned. In the journey of success, it's easy to get caught up in one of these 3 lifestyles. Take inventory of your life on occasion. Assess your lifestyle. Keep these in mind when assessing.

If you find yourself slipping just remember 2 words.


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